Friday 13 January 2012

Meeting Friends @ Fliegerbräu

Fliegerbräu - that's the name of my favourite pub in Austria. I always meet up there with my friends when I'm in Austria. They serve fantastic, traditional Austrian food.

Usually weeks before I'm in Austria I'm looking up their online-menu to choose what I'd like to eat when I'm there. And it always ends up the same way: Once in Austria, I'm being fed so much from Mum that I cannot eat a proper meal at Fliegerbräu. So in the end I choose snacks over a proper dish. Not that bad either! This time I opted for the spicy Fliegerbräu spread. No idea what it's made of, but it's heaven! Decorated with lots of salad and pickles, served with their special, freshly baked bread (pretzel).

Thanks for meeting me - you're great! And Marlene - thanks for the Austrian Bio Honey! Very very much appreciated! Thanks Martina - it's good to catch up with one another every now and then... (haha... now and then... there are a wedding and 3 kids in between!!!)

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