Wednesday 18 January 2012

Rum Fruit Cake

Rum Fruit Cake
The Rum Fruit Cake is a nice and relatively light cake. Light because there's not butter neither in the chocolate sponge nor in the filling. The only "heavy" ingredient is the cream icing. A very nice, festive and -above all - RUM flavoured cake, which makes it perfect for after dinner or for the afternoon coffee, but for sure don't make it if you want to eat it for breakfast (only if it's after a long night out though!).

Rum Fruit Cake - Rumfrüchtetorte

Rum Fruit Cake

Rum Fruits
500 g berries (also a frozen mix is ok)
200 ml Rum
100 g sugar
Mix ingredients and let infuse in the fridge for 2 days

Chocolate Sponge
5 eggs
150 g sugar
1 pinch salt
cinnamon to taste
2 tbsp rum
130 g flour 
20 g cacao
Beat eggs with sugar, salt, rum and cinnamon until creamy. Sieve flour and cacao on it and fold it in. Fill dough in a lined 26 cm springform tin and bake at 180 degrees for ca 30 mins. Let the cake cool and then divide in two layers.

prepared rum fruits and their juices
3 packs cake jelly
Mix and bring to boil. 
Just before it starts to stiffen pour on bottom sponge layer. Complete with top sponge layer, press it a bit and put in the fridge for ca 3 hours.

0,25 l whipping cream
1 tbsp icing sugar
cinnamon to taste
1 pack whipping cream stabilizer
Whip cream with other ingredients and ice the cake

Decorate with Christmas biscuits or berries - just as you like!

(recipe adapted from Dr.Oetker)

Rum Fruit Cake

Rum Fruit Cake

1 comment:

  1. Bella, buonissima e supernatalizia! I biscotti di Natale come decorazione sono proprio una bella idea!
