Monday 23 January 2012

Sourdough Bread With Lard

Sour dough bread with lard
My new hobby is baking bread! It's much more waist line friendly than baking cakes and sweets! I have even made my own sour dough, but I'll tell you more of this in another post. 
This bread is so wonderfully fluffy and soft, incredible! The lard gives it a very smooth and fine taste, without actually tasting of lard, so you could also eat this bread for breakfast.
Everytime I make it it's a huge success!

Sour dough Bread with lard

Sour dough Bread With Lard
Sour dough
100 g rye flour
100 g water
2 tbsp sour dough
let stand at 30 degrees C for 15-18 hours

110 g wheat flour
90 g water
1 g fresh yeast (= 1 crumb)
let stand at room temperature for 15-18 hours

Bread dough
200 g sour dough
200 g poolish
30 g rye flour
360 g wheat flour
1 tbsp lard
140 g water
1 tsp salt

Knead all the ingredients for 6-10 mins, let rest for 30 mins. Form a round loaf, flour it and put it in, for example, a pasta sieve lined with a floured kitchen towel. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. After 50 mins put it out of the sieve and make incisions. Let rise for another 10-15 mins and bake it.
250°C - 10 mins with vapour
open oven for a second and let out vapour
turn down to 210°C and bake for another 40 mins until the bread sounds empty when you knock on its base.
It rises a lot in the oven!
(I've got this recipe from my "instructors" on sour dough, the Sauerteig Forum - click to see)

Sour dough bread with lard after making incisions and before oven

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