Monday 30 January 2012

Golden Toast

Ok, I know. Toast. Plain white bread. Doesn't sound that interesting! But.... that's the secret.... the bread is home made!
It's just like the bought one but you know what's inside and that makes this bread even better! I've tried a ham and cheese melt with ketchup as well as toasted and buttered slices with jam and both versions are heavenly good.

Monday 23 January 2012

Sourdough Bread With Lard

Sour dough bread with lard
My new hobby is baking bread! It's much more waist line friendly than baking cakes and sweets! I have even made my own sour dough, but I'll tell you more of this in another post. 
This bread is so wonderfully fluffy and soft, incredible! The lard gives it a very smooth and fine taste, without actually tasting of lard, so you could also eat this bread for breakfast.
Everytime I make it it's a huge success!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Rum Fruit Cake

Rum Fruit Cake
The Rum Fruit Cake is a nice and relatively light cake. Light because there's not butter neither in the chocolate sponge nor in the filling. The only "heavy" ingredient is the cream icing. A very nice, festive and -above all - RUM flavoured cake, which makes it perfect for after dinner or for the afternoon coffee, but for sure don't make it if you want to eat it for breakfast (only if it's after a long night out though!).

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Christmas Trip Arrivals

The arrival in Vienna during Christmas time is always fantastic! Look at this wonderful Christmas tree in front of the station!!! My train from Bologna was 3 hours delayed for its arrival in Vienna, so I missed my connection. But: after the first shock this wasn't a bad thing at all but turned out to be really great! The station West has been renewed during the last years and has been reopened only some weeks ago. Now that there's also a shopping mall and a food hall, I couldn't stop wandering around and doing some sales shopping as well. 

Friday 13 January 2012

Meeting Friends @ Fliegerbräu

Fliegerbräu - that's the name of my favourite pub in Austria. I always meet up there with my friends when I'm in Austria. They serve fantastic, traditional Austrian food.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Let's Start With Birthday

Hi everybody! I'm back again after a long time, but now I have a brand new camera and I'll learn how to use it to give you better photos!

Here's my - homecooked, but (more than) restaurant quality - 7 course Birthday Dinner.
All that below cooked from scratch in 2 hours! That's a cook! ;-)