Thursday 17 February 2011

Gingerbread House

Well, by now you know my love of gingerbread. And this is the crown of it: A gingerbread house!

For a long time it was just a distant, but fond childhood memory, yet last year I found a ready-to-build kit in Austria. Fantastic and beautiful! Surely I thought of baking one from scratch, but I didn't feel up to it yet. Maybe next year! My Mr. helped me building and it was great fun! It's not something to do only with kids, also for adults it is really homey, christmassy and peaceful!

On our trip to London we've seen many gingerbread houses, but none of them was as beautiful and rich as ours. Honestly.

We've made tons of photos of it.... all of them are gone. That's a tragedy really. A shame. I'll do my best to find something.

At least here you can glimpse it in the background:

Homemade Panettone - Gingerbread House in the background

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