Saturday 18 June 2011

Summer Preserves

Apricot jam

All fruit is now available in excess, so it's about time to fill up the storage for those cold and dark months of the year!

So far I concluded the production of strawberry and cherry jams, cherry compote (needed for Black Forest Cake and Trifles), peaches in caramel and melon compote with gin.
The melon compote was surprisingly a big success (has been eaten straight away), so I guess I'm gonna make some more!
Also some pots of cherry and apricot jam (for Sacher cake) are on my radar, as well as apricot compote (as a traditional side dish for Wiener Schnitzel).
I haven't had planned at all to cook all these things, I just thought if needed, I buy a glass of jam and that's it. But how can one resist with all this fresh fantastic fruits looming at you at the fruit stalls?
And of course, homemade IS better - no need to lie to myself there!

Cherry jam with Whiskey

So, here are the basics of my compote method:
Bring half a liter of water with 300 g caster sugar to boil and add the (previously washed and trimmed) fruit. Cook for about 4 minutes and fill in twist off glasses.

For home made jam just follow the instructions on the pectin packet. Use twist off jars, fill in piping hot, clean the rim of the jar, and close tightly. From the beginning to the end, take care of using only perfectly clean equipment, so no bacteria can develop and spoil your preserve.

Apricot jam in progress

Apricot jam

Strawberry jam

Take a glimpse at my cellar (this will last at least for 2 years!):

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